As an entrepreneur, when you are expanding into new territory , you’re not always equipped with a GPS. However, you can still map out your journey if you ask the right questions. The right questions will uncover the road you need to take, and help you to identify the obstacles that you may face.
Once you have this knowledge, you can then take steps to remedy the obstacles and expedite your journey into successfully establish your business in the new territory. #motivation #mentor #unknown #brandawareness #competition
Questions should be asked in the following areas to help you to extract
the insights from the sources and give you direction on how you should
approach your business expansion:
1. Responsiveness: Are consumers unresponsive to the benefits offered
by your brand?
2. Trust: Do consumers lack the confidence that you will deliver for
them the benefits of your brand?
3. Competition: Do consumers believe they already have these benefits
through another brand?
As you collect data from answering these questions, you will be able to identify certain obstacles - or gaps - which you will need to manage in order to ensure that your growth plans are successful.
I have successfully built a business by asking the right questions and then evaluating my chances. Ask Madhu your questions on 0425 341 086 or at Read more on Facebook.
What are the soft skills of 2016?
Soft skills are all about having a non-invasive, neutrally worded conversation with another human being. Soft skills are more about your tone, approach and attitude, and less about the actual words used. The focus is on the potential client (you) not “me” (the financial planner / my KPIs).
“It is about YOU”
It is about me understanding my true role with you
It is about me helping you with what I know
It is about me helping you with what I have
Three questions to begin the journey- ALWAYS making it about “you” not “me”
What am I planning to say to YOU during the conversation I am about to have with YOU?
Who and what am I thinking about? It better be about YOU!
What is this conversation about – “me” or “YOU” my potential client?
Soft skills in Business.
This is a time of consciousness, connection, and co-creation.
A people business genuinely caring about their people, their clients, and potential clients is the formula for success in today's world.
I believe what I have to share changes lives for the better.
My purpose in doing this work is the joy it brings me when I see the light go on and the inspiration that follows.
My dream is to make a positive impact on as many people as I can.