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Sydney - Population and Housing availability issues


7 News recently ran an excellent segment about the growing backlash over Sydney’s rapid population growth. #Sydney #NSW #Population #migrants#HomeOwners #Rental #FirstHomeBuyers

The segment touched on some of the major issues, including over-development (e.g. the proliferation of high-rise apartments), and pins the blame squarely on the federal government’s 200,000 strong mass immigration program.

As usual, there were comments from all spectrum of so called experts. Fake demographer, Mark McCrindle, argued that growth is unstoppable: “We can’t stop the growth. Sydney is the gateway to Australia. We are growing through national migration. We are growing through natural increase”.

Really? ABS’ population data clearly shows that net overseas migration is the overwhelming driver of NSW’s (Sydney’s) population. In fact, according to the NSW Government’s own projections, Sydney’s projected population increase over the next 20-years will be driven almost entirely by net overseas migration (i.e. 1.53 million out of 1.74 million).

Sydneysiders don’t want the city turning into a crowded, super expensive, high-rise hellhole. It’s about time our politicians heard the people's voices.
Let me hear your comments on 0425 341 086 or comment on Facebook.
