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Currency and money in soil with young plant seedlings representing sustainable develepment, finance, economic investment, and finacial growth for the future.

Currency and money in soil with young plant seedlings representing sustainable development in finance, economic investment and in the mortgage industry for the future.









I have been a mortgage broker for over 10 years now and all I see are the same old products - home loans with fixed rate, variable rates and Line of Equity. As a mother of 20 year old children, I am beginning to question, how best to advise a young client. The aim is to save, earn, invest and grow in a global economy which is changing, but we don’t have products that change. #MarkBouris #Innovation #OlderAustralians #Mortgage #Homeloan

Look ahead, but don’t forget your rear-view mirror: Before venturing into an investment unknown, historical data and forecasts are essential, as input factors and indicators respectively. These provide a comprehensive picture of what you’re diving into.

Don’t go surfing into the storm: Pay extremely close attention to market anxiety levels. You must measure your own ability to react to a crash and avoid it above all.

Should we all not evolve and find a way to sustain ourselves? We can work and be productive till about 55 years of age, then our physical limitations change to a more passive life, but we still want to engage and do things with money and get pleasure out of life.

I love the fact that Mark Bouris is talking about innovation of mortgage products. Why can’t we lend to older Australians ,when we know we will have an aging population? Why not advice reverse mortgage? Why can’t we have a Whole of Life Insurance products that a young 25 year can buy to boost their super, with the knowledge that they are insured till age 99?

“We are always exploring different funding lines," he said. Reports indicate that more than $15 billion of RMBS deals have been issued since January double the amount over the same period in 2016.

“The banks have to change what they can and can’t do, and that is leaving a big gap for many different types of products,” Mr Bouris explained. “One of the things to consider is manufacturing those products ourselves, whether on our own or with somebody else. We’ve got great distribution, and our distribution channels are asking for these types of products. We should all be thinking how we can change the looming social problems with housing unaffordability and create a solution."

The world is evolving and we need to adapt to it, if we want to stay in the race. What changes would you like to see? Let's discuss your ideas on 0425 341 086. You can also read this on LinkedIn and view others' comments.
