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In this day of rightsizing and downsizing, many employees are working harder than ever to maintain productivity on the job.

eat frog

Tip #1 to increase productivity - Eat the Frog

Here is what you can do to "jump" ahead.

#EattheFrog #productivity #success #inspiration #achieve

Mark Twain first coined this phrase over a hundred years ago. The basic idea is that when you “eat the frog” first thing in the morning, nothing else will seem as bad the rest of the day. So start by getting your most distasteful task done at the beginning of the day, and if you can’t “eat the whole frog,” set a timer for 30 minutes and just “eat a frog leg” to gain a feeling of accomplishment and get the ball rolling.

Tip#2 to higher productivity - Manage Interruptions
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Studies have shown that each interruption can cost 10 to 15 minutes of productivity each day. You can start by turning off email alerts and other technological distractions when you need to focus. 
Just imagine...minimizing even two interruptions can be the equivalent of 30 minutes of increased productivity per day, which translates to 22 days of increased productivity over the course of a year.

Tip #3 to higher productivity - Time Out Moments
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Having too much on our mind, makes us distracted, forgetful and overwhelmed. To counteract brain overload, try taking occasional time-outs including short “breathers” throughout the day. Take 2 or 3 minutes every other hour to take deep breaths and to stretch your muscles. Also take five or ten minutes to purge any ‘to-do’ lists, meal plans or general worries by writing them all down in a notebook or at the keyboard so you can move ahead with a clearer mind.

Tip #4 to higher productivity - Focus On One Task
#productivity #success #inspiration #achieve #multitask

Many assume that doing two or three tasks at the same time will get work done faster, but multi-tasking is “the death of productivity. 
Research has shown that multi-tasking lowers your IQ by ten points – more IQ points than losing a whole night’s sleep. We’re far more effective and productive when we give ourselves permission to focus on one task at a time.

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