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savingsWe all know that we should spend less and save more. Sometimes it is nor easy to save $50 or $100 every week. Here are a few ways to save by just rethinking a few everyday chores. #Energy #Energybills #Savings #money#budget

1) TURN OFF THE LIGHTS: I can't say this enough. Just turn off the various electronic devices when not in use. How many mobile chargers are left on even when your phones are unplugged. It is a slow drain of electricity,. Save money on your energy bills and save the environment.

2) Plan your meals around your grocery store’s flyer: Instead of creating your meal plan out of thin air, plan all your meals around what’s on sale in your grocery store’s flyer. Look at the biggest sales, then plan recipes based on those ingredients and what you have on hand.

3) Remove your credit card numbers from your online accounts: It’s easy to spend online when you have your card information stored in an account – just click and buy. The best way to break this habit is to simply delete your card from the account. This way you’ll be forced to spend the time to dig out your card – and really think about why you’re spending this money.

These are a few easy everyday tips. Talk to Madhu on 0425 341 086 for more easy savings tips and for financial planning advice.
